50 Cool Websites To Kill Time and Boredom

Are you getting bored doing nothing? Or, feeling frustrated from that hectic everyday schedule? So, if you read this article then you will always have some Cool Websites to kill your time.

Even if you are at your workplace and craving for a mini-break then you don’t have to look any further, in order to know how to relax your brain cells. Sit back, relax and have a look at the collection of 50 websites that you can visit to kill your time.


If you are a keen internet user then you might love to explore different types of blogs, websites and web pages on the internet that are interesting and at the same time adds value to you. There are millions of untapped interesting websites on the internet waiting to be explored by you.

Awesome Cool Websites To Keep You Away From Boredom

No more getting bored now, checkout our handpicked list of cool websites to keep you away from boredom!

1. Find The Invisible Cow

It is an internet version of the hiding game Hot and Cold.
Link: https://findtheinvisiblecow.com/ 


2. The Useless Web

Generate even more useless sites to waste your time.

Link: https://theuselessweb.com/

3. The Nerdwriter

Amazing video essays.


Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nerdwriter1

4. Seeker

Act on your curiosity. Observe and explore.

Link: https://www.seeker.com/

5. Shady URL

Changes URL to look like viruses.

Link: http://www.shadyurl.com/

6. Don’t Even Reply

A collection of emails from awful people.

Link: http://www.emailsfromanasshole.dontevenreply.com/

7. Just This Giant Wikipedia List Of Dogs

Space dogs? Check. War dogs? Check. Famous Dogs?. Check and check.

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_dog_breed

8. Drive Me Insane

Turn on the lights ( or a disco ball ) in someone’s home from your computer.

Link: http://www.drivemeinsane.com/

9. Pretty Stuff

The best inspiration curated.

Link: https://www.prettythingsandcoolstuff.com/


Create and inspire.

Link: https://www.booooooom.com/

11. Lizard Point

Browser-based educational activities.

Link: https://lizardpoint.com/geography/

12. OnRead

Free ebooks.

Link: https://www.onread.com/

13. Bees Bees Bees

This site reveals Oprah’s secret plans.

Link: http://beesbeesbees.com/

14.Shut Up and Take My Money

A shopping website of stuff you don’t need, but you really want.

Link: http://www.shutupandtakemymoney.com/

15. Code Academy

Step 1. Learn. Step 2.??? Step 3. Profit.

Link: https://www.codecademy.com/

16. I Need A Prompt

An idea generator.

URL: https://ineedaprompt.com/

17. This is sand

Draw things with sand.

Link: https://thisissand.com/

18. Hacker Noon

How hackers start their afternoons.

Link: https://hackernoon.com/

19. Uplabs

Daily UI inspiration and downloads.

Link: https://www.uplabs.com/

20. NextShark

The voice of global Asian youth.

Link: https://nextshark.com/

21. Outblush

Curated women’s fashion products.

Link: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/outblush-com

22. FashionBeans

Men’s fashion, grooming and more.

Link: https://www.fashionbeans.com/

23. TagPro

Multiplayer online capture the flag.

Link: https://tagpro.koalabeast.com/

24. Cookie Clicker

Click for cookies and level up.

Link: https://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/

25. Sporcle

Brain games.

Link: https://www.sporcle.com/

26. Pokemon Showdown

A Pokemon battle simulator to waste hours on.

Link: https://pokemonshowdown.com/

27. You are Listening To

Syncs police scanners from different cities with ambient music.

Link: http://youarelistening.to/

28. Incerdibox

Create your own music with just a few clicks.

Link: https://www.incredibox.com/

29. A Soft Murmur

Set the mood with weather sounds.

Link: https://asoftmurmur.com/

30. Good vs Evil

When doing good in the world feels too hard, just vote for good. It won’t change the world but you the distraction can be nice, even for a moment.

Link: https://www.allaboutworldview.org/good-vs-evil.htm

31. Free Rice

Each question answered correctly translates to 10 grains of rice donated to a hunger charity.

Link: http://freerice.com/

32. Do I Have A Dead Pixel

Find out.

Link: http://lcdtech.info/en/tests/dead.pixel.htm

33. Mint

Tracks how you spend your money.

Link: https://www.mint.com/https://www.mint.com/

34. Taste Kid

Explores your tastes and preferences.

Link: https://tastedive.com/

35. Addictive Tips

Tips to improve your digital experience.

Link: https://www.addictivetips.com/

36. Retail Me or Not

Deals and steals.

Link: https://www.retailmenot.com/

37. Letterlist

Discover amazing newsletters.

Link: https://letterlist.com/

38. Boundless

High-quality educational content to replace textbooks.

Link: https://www.boundless.com/

39. Darkroom

Exploring visual journalism.

Link: http://darkroom.co/

40. We and the color

An art and design blog.

Link: https://weandthecolor.com/


Sometimes it is the little things in life that need improvement.

Link: https://lifehacker.com/

42. Instructables

DIY everything.

Link: https://www.instructables.com/

43. Interface Lift

Stunning photography and backgrounds for all your device.

Link: https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/interfacelift.com.html

44. Snopes

Dig deeper and find out the truths.

Link: https://www.snopes.com/

45. Hackaday

Entertainment for engineers.

Link: https://hackaday.com/

46. Yatzer

Travel, architecture, design, art, fashion and more.

Link: https://www.yatzer.com/

47. The Tiny Times

A child and a blogger.

Link: http://tinytimes.com/

48. Unique Hunters

Cool stuff and awesome entertainment.

Link: https://uniquehunters.com/

49. SolidSmack

The best in design, tech, cad and fab.

Link: https://www.solidsmack.com/

50. Good Things Guy

The home of everything good.

Link: https://www.goodthingsguy.com/

50 Top Cool Websites To Checkout If Bored

So, here is the comprehensive list of all the top cool websites that you can try and enjoy your day. All of them are equally interesting with some unique features so do try them all.

  1. Find The Invisible Cow
  2. The Useless Web
  3. The Nerdwriter
  4. Seeker
  5. Shady URL
  6. Don’t Even Reply
  7. Just This Giant Wikipedia List Of Dogs
  8. Drive Me Insane
  9. Pretty Stuff
  11. Lizard Point
  12. OnRead
  13. Bees Bees Bees
  14. Shut Up and Take My Money
  15. Code Academy
  16. I Need A Prompt
  17. This is sand
  18. Hacker Noon
  19. Uplabs
  20. NextShark
  21. Outblush
  22. FashionBeans
  23. TagPro -
  24. Cookie Clicker
  25. Sporcle
  26. Pokemon Showdown
  27. You are Listening To music.
  28. Incerdibox
  29. A Soft Murmur
  30. Good vs Evil
  31. Free Rice
  32. Do I Have A Dead Pixel
  33. Mint
  34. Taste Kid
  35. Addictive Tips
  36. Retail Me or Not
  37. Letterlist
  38. Boundless
  39. Darkroom
  40. We and the color
  41. Lifehacker
  42. Instructables
  43. Interface Lift
  44. Snopes
  45. Hackaday
  46. Yatzer
  47. The Tiny Times
  48. Unique Hunters
  49. SolidSmack
  50. Good Things Guy

Also Read: 15 Best Online Trivia Games To Play With Friends

Final Take!

So, these are all the cool websites that you can access around the Web. There are various unique things you can find by simply accessing the sites. We recommend to try all the mentioned sites and tell us which one of it you like the most.

Let us know which cool site is your favourite in the comments below!

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