Is your Windows 10 PC affected by the famous Shortcut Virus? Don't worry anymore as here are 3 Working Methods on How to Remove Shortcut Virus Permanently.
A shortcut virus is one which hides all your files and folders and then replaces them all those files with shortcuts that look exactly the same. In case you open one of these folders, the virus further infects your computer and it starts to duplicate. This type of virus can cause serious damage to your computer. It can result in stealing/loss of data and information, reducing the performance of the computer and other harmful effects.
Shortcut Virus affects your overall functioning of the computer and especially the external devices. Hard Disk, Pen Drive and Memory Cards are badly affected by the virus. Further, these shortcut viruses are untraceable to certain anti-viruses which makes it even more dangerous. Therefore, it is quite inevitable that this virus needs to be removed as soon as possible.
In this article, we will talk about various methods that you can use to remove the shortcut virus.
How to Remove Shortcut Virus Completely
There are many methods that you can follow to remove shortcut Virus from your Windows PC. We have listed all of them below. Simply follow the methods and your problem will be solved.
1. Removing Virus using Command Prompt (CMD)
This is one of the simplest methods to remove the shortcut virus. The main advantage of this method is that you do not have to download any virus cleaner online. CMD will remove the virus from your computer permanently and your device will function smoothly again. Here are the steps that you can follow in order to eradicate the virus:
- Open CMD
- Start>Run>type 'CMD' and press enter
- Type " attrib d:*.*/d/s-h-r-s " (Here 'd' is the drive label)

Now let the CMD complete the process and within no time, your shortcut virus problem will be fixed. This process is generally more compatible when you are trying to remove the virus from your external storage devices.
2. Removing Virus using Virus Removing Software
This process takes the help of Shortcut Virus Remover Software to extract and remove the virus from your computer. This method is very reliable and tested. This will certainly make your computer virus free. Here are steps to install and use the software:
- Open your browser and download Shortcut Virus Remover Software. (
- Extract the virus in your computer.
- Using a flash drive, run the Software Virus Remover Software.
- Now choose the file or drive from which the virus needs to be removed.
- The Software will scan the file. After the scanning is completed, Press Enter.
- All Shortcut Virus files will be displayed. Now press Delete and your virus will be removed.

3. Removing Virus using UsbFix Antimalware tool
As mentioned above, the shortcut virus generally impacts the external storage devices. If the virus affects your pen drive or hard disk just remove the device from your computer and reboot the system. Installing and using the UsbFix Antimalware tool will delete the virus from your external storage device.
You first have to download the Autorun Exterminator to prevent the virus from spreading automatically in your computer. Download it from here: Extract it and run the program.
Next, install the UsbFix from here: Now follow these steps:
- Once downloaded, Open the UsbFix Antimalware tool.
- Click on Run Analysis and then click Full Analysis which will take a proper scan of your device.
- If the software finds the virus, it will remove the virus from the flash drive.

So these were some of the most effective ways to remove the shortcut virus from your external device and computer. These methods are well tested and are reliable to use.
Although viruses are usually unexpectedly transferred in a device, further care should be taken to protect your machine. Avoid using external devices on public computers and always scan for viruses before using your external device. Also, stay away from harmful websites. Keeping these things in mind can certainly keep your computer virus free and you can use it without any problem.`
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