10 Best Snapchat Story Games Ideas (2021)

The use of social media platforms like Snapchat has increased immensely recently, and the low internet prices and the advancement of technology are two main reasons for it. Using Snapchat is one of the most common ways of spending your spare time. Snapchat comes with various features that include creating Snapstreak and using different filters for taking beautiful pictures. But the feature that people are liking so much these days is Snapchat story games.

You can play this game with your Snapchat friends, especially with your life partner. And if you are looking for more ideas regarding this story game then this post is specially written for you. In this post, we will provide the best story games that you play just by posting a story on Snapchat. So let's get started.


10 Snapchat Story Games

Snapchat is another famous app that is used for chit-chatting with your friends and taking beautiful pictures. With more than 24 million downloads in Play Store, it is one of the most used social media platforms. And the reason for its huge popularity is that the platform always keeps providing new and exciting features to the users.

Some of the be most used features of Snapchat are SnapStreak and playing Snapchat story games with your friends. So in today's post, we are going to discuss the best Snapchat story games that you can play during your free time.

1. Personal Poll Game

A personal pool game is a very interesting way to find out how much others know about you. You can enjoy this game with your friends, cousins, brothers, and especially with your life partner. For this game, you will have to ask questions to your friend regarding your personal life. You can also give them choices, and the player will have to answer those questions correctly to win the game. Some questions that you can ask are, "Am I cute or not", "Am I a boring or interesting person", "Do you love me or hate me?".


2. What Are Your Habits?

This is my personal favorite game, and it helps you to find out more about a person's annoying as well as a good habit. You can play this game with your newly made girlfriend or boyfriend, to find out deer habits. Some questions that you can ask in this game are, " Are you a morning person or night person?", "Are you fond of reading?", "Do you bath daily?"

Also Read: What Does Pending Mean On Snapchat?

3. I May Seem, But I'm Actually..

The game, "I May Seem, But I'm Actually" is the best way to clear all the misconceptions that you have about your friend or a life partner. For this game, the player will have to reply with what they think about you from the given options. Some options that you can give to your friends are, "I may seem loud, but I am actually _ ", "I may seem immature, but I am actually _", "I may seem fit, but I am actually _". The player will have to reply with what they think to fill the blank.


4. Questions About You

The game, "Question about you" can not only be played on Snapchat but also on other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You will have to post the story with you asking different questions. And your friends will have to answer this question. These questions can be about their personal life or professional life. Some question that you can add to this game order, " Are you single or committed?", "Have you ever smoked or not?", "Do you trust me or not?"

5. My Opinion On

My Opinion On is an interesting way to find out what others think about a particular topic. For this game, you will have to post different topics in your story. And your friend will have to reply with their views on those topics. Some topics that you can add in this game are, "What are your views on the American recent presidential election", "What do you think about the Modi government?". Or some light-hearted questions like, "What do you think about romantic movies?", "What are your thoughts on today's weather?

6. Facts About Me

The concept of Fact about me is very much similar to the Personal poll game. For this game, you will have to post the task of different questions about your personal life. For making this game more interesting you can add several questions to your story. And the person that replies with the most correct answer wins the game. Some questions that you can include in this game are "Am I a virgin?", "Do I have a habit of waking up early?", "Am I seeing anyone?".

7. Ask Any Three

Here's come another exciting game. For this game, you will have to post a story with more than 10 to 20 questions. But your friend can only ask a maximum of three questions from it. So now your friend will get confused about what question they want to ask you the most. Personally, I used to play this game a lot with my friends.

8. Cons Of Dating Me

Cons of dating me are specially made for the lovebirds. You can play this game with your life partner and ask them what are the points they don't like about you or what are the cons of dating you? You can post a story with 20 to 30 of the cons you have. And your life partner will have to reply with the cons that they think you have.

9. Phone Tour

Phone tour is another Snapchat story game that is very popular this day. For this game, you will have to post a story with various options that include different things that you will have to show that is present on your Phone. Your friend can reply with any option and you will have to show that particular thing to your friend. This game is best enjoyed with your crush or your best friend.

10. Yes, No, And Maybe

Lastly, "Yes, No, And Maybe" is another very fun and interesting game to play. For this game, you will have to post a story asking different questions with options, "Yes, No, And Maybe". And to participate in this game, your friend will have to reply with any of these three options. Some questions that you can include in this game are, "Do you hate me?", "Do you think about me?".

Final Words

Definitely, Snapchat story games I am not going to give you the adrenaline-boosting experience that games like PUBG and COD give. But we're pretty sure that it will help you to know your friend and your life partner better.

So, these were a few of the best story games that you can play on Snapchat. All the games mentioned our personal choice. So it's completely ok if you don't like them or like any other game more. You can comment on your favorite game down below. You can also go to the comment section for sharing your feedback and doubt regarding this post.

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